September 23
Weekly Meeting
We Can’t Be Our Father’s Rotary Club

Join us for Rotary at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance on Monday, September 23rd. We'll host Rotary District 5610 Governor Bruce Nearhood and Tom Gump who is Aide to Rotary International President 2024-2025. Rotarian Joel Sylvester will moderate the conversation.
They will talk about the challenges that Rotary clubs are facing today and what Rotary International is doing to help them adapt to these changes and the opportunities that Rotarians have and the impact they make in this world. One of the focuses of the district and our club has been increasing and diversifying our memberships. Downtown Rotary is now the 15th largest club in the WORLD and the 10th largest club in the United States. The district saw its first increase in membership since 2015.
District Governor Bruce Nearhood will serve as the District Governor (DG) in 2024-25. Bruce, a member of the Rapid City Rushmore Club since 1987, has served as Club President, and also has held numerous club and district leadership roles. Bruce’s service through Rotary has extended far beyond the boundaries of our District. He has participated in five Rotary-sponsored humanitarian trips, four to Haiti and one to Guatemala. He and his wife were part of Friendship Exchanges to Italy and Japan. A passionate supporter of The Rotary Foundation, Bruce is a member of the Paul Harris Society, is a major donor, and a Level 5 Bequest Society member. Bruce has continued to expand his well-rounded knowledge of Rotary International by attending three Rotary International Conventions.
Tom Gump is an aide to the 2024-25 International President Stephanie Urchick and is helping plan the next international convention in Calgary, Canada, that may welcome as many as 30,000 attendees. Tom has been a member of Edina Morningside Rotary in Edina, MN since 2013. After quickly transitioning from member to club president, Gump continues to say “yes” to leadership opportunities, serving in 2020–21 as district governor of the local region, stretching from central to western Minnesota, including the Twin Cities.
He founded the world’s first-ever Rotary Club for Veterans and co-founded a club focusing on ending human trafficking. He is also helping plan a celebration for a peace center, established in Istanbul, Turkey, and helped form a club for Egyptian doctors serving all over the world.
Closer to home, Gump brought together five local Rotary clubs to form a community corps to aid Afghan refugees. He also worked with others in eight Rotary clubs to assist nine Minneapolis businesses affected by
the recent civil unrest.
In 2023, Gump was honored with Rotary International’s Service Above Self award, which is given to only 150 members worldwide to recognize exemplary humanitarian service. It is Rotary International’s highest honor.
The buffet lunch will be available for purchase at the door beginning at 11:30 am. The
menu will be: Grilled Sirloin Steaks with Baked Potato, Asparagus and Salad Bar.
The presentation, at the club’s regular weekly meeting, will be held at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance in Sioux Falls and will begin at noon. All Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club programs are open only to Rotarians and their guests. All programs are subject to the club's Privacy Policy. Local media are invited to attend to record the session.
Rotary International is one of the premier service organizations in the world. The Rotary Club of Downtown Sioux Falls is among the largest 15 clubs in the world. For more information on how to become a mentor or involve your organization in mentoring visit