September 16
Weekly Meeting
Ballot Measure Series: Amendment H (Open Primaries)
Join us for Rotary at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance on Monday, September 16th. We'll be hosting the first program in our Ballot Measure Series. Rotarian Debra Owen will sit down with proponents and opponents of Amendment H.
According to Ballotpedia, "Amendment H would provide for top-two primary elections for the offices of governor, state legislator, county official, U.S. senator, and U.S. representative. All candidates for a certain office would be listed on the primary ballot, regardless of the candidate’s political party. A voter would be able to vote for any primary candidate regardless of the voter’s party registration or affiliation. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for a single office would advance to the general election.
The general election ballot would only include candidates advancing from the primary election, however, the legislature may establish procedures to replace a candidate who advanced from the primary but is unable to participate in the general election due to death, withdrawal from the race, or disqualification.
A candidate may select the name of the political party to be listed next to their name on the primary candidate—this party designation will also appear beside their name if they proceed onto the general election ballot. Both primary and general election ballots will have a disclaimer stating that the party designated by the candidate does not imply an endorsement of the candidate by that party."
The buffet lunch will be available beginning at 11:30 am. A generous donor is providing lunch for all attendees. Thank you! The
menu will be: Grilled Salmon with Wild Rice, California Medley Vegetables with Salad Bar.
The presentation, at the club’s regular weekly meeting, will be held at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance in Sioux Falls and will begin at noon. All Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club programs are open only to Rotarians and their guests. All programs are subject to the club's Privacy Policy. Local media are invited to attend to record the session.
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